Located in Southeast Michigan, our horses are raised and trained at "sister" facilities of Fisher Park (Milan) and Hidden Creek (Whitmore Lake). We believe in teamwork and strongly believe in the benefits a fostering a supportive community mindset. This principle guides not only our breeding practices, but the ongoing development of both friendships and professional relationship with other equine providers and clients. Expanding outside a single facility in this way allows our program to more widely share the joy and satisfaction the Irish Draught breed provides through our lovely foals and the adventures they have with their new owners.
Our Mission: To breed the Irish Draught horse by choosing exceptional, complementary stallions whose lineage has contributed to the conformationally correct and athletic Irish Sport Horse to pair with our broodmares.
We welcome other Irish Draught and Irish Sport Horse breeders in Michigan to our site to show off their stock or advertise their foals for sale. Please reach out to Fisherparkirishdraughts@gmail.com if you would like to provide information to be posted to the site.
For more information on Irish Draughts and Irish Sport Horses in the USA please visit our societies website. Irish Draught Horse Society of North America (IDHSNA)
Contact: Jenny Fisher 734.634.1074 Emily Simmons: 734.740.8466